In order for your Team to retain money directly from sponsors the payment must be made out to your team.
Sponsorships made out to Sharon Springs Athletic Association cannot be paid out to your team because tax-exempt entity laws require funds received by SSAA benefit the entire organization.
As you get Team Specific Sponsorships from businesses be sure to offer exposure to team followers such as:
* A logo on your banner
* Communication to your team recognizing Team Sponsors
* A sponsor award they can display at their location
Also, each team should send sponsors thank you letters indicating the sponsor amount and year of sponsorship!
It is up to each business/sponsor to determine the tax treatment of their sponsorship.
Sponsors who will not pay your team directly, may write a check to Sharon Springs Athletic Association, but SSAA will retain 100% of such funds and use the funds for SSAA as a whole in accordance with existing tax laws.
Because SSAA is bound to 501(c)(3) rules, teams desiring to retain their fundraising proceeds should run fundraising through their teams and not SSAA.
Sharon Springs Athletics
Sharon Springs Park - 1950 Sharon Road, Cumming, Georgia 30041/ Joint Venture Park - 3100 Melody Mizer Lane, Cumming, Georgia 30041
Copyright © 2019 Sharon Springs Athletics - All Rights Reserved.
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